The Epidemic Rages On
/Last month, the Texas Department of State Health Services issued a health advisory warning of new HIV diagnoses in the state.
And the CDC’s latest data show the rates of new infections among black and Latino gay men living in the southern US are at epidemic levels — even higher than the AIDS-ravaged nations of Africa.
This means that more people are living with HIV in central Texas than ever before. It can be easy to believe that new medication regimens mean that the crisis has passed — but there are many homeless and low-income people who don’t know their status or are not taking medication.
People are still dying of AIDS at Doug’s House, our hospice and recuperative care facility. They come to us directly from the hospital, very sick with HIV-related, life-threatening illnesses and in desperate need of specialized care. But approximately 60% of the people we care for today get better through recuperative care.
These recuperative care patients need a chance to rest and eat healthy foods. They need 24-hour pain and symptom management. And most of all, they need to learn and adjust to a medication schedule that will help keep them alive and their HIV under control once they leave.
“Doug's House is a literal lifeline for people who are very sick and have nowhere else to go,” says Todd Logan, Director of Client Services.
We are so grateful to the people of Austin and their continued generosity, especially within the LGBTQ community. As donors, fundraisers and volunteers, your support keeps Doug’s House open and ready to serve the growing number of people with HIV in our community. Thank you!